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Arts Learning

The Arts Learning department is dedicated to advancing equity and opportunity in arts education for all students. In partnership with educators, administrators, and arts advocates, we empower students to develop as artistically literate citizens, while gaining an understanding of self and community.  

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The Alameda County Office of Education provides ongoing arts education support in leveraging resources and partnerships to assist districts and other county offices in the following areas:


Build leadership capacity for arts education in California public schools by engaging with state, regional, local leaders and educators, and community members to build equitable student access to arts education in California schools. Support regional capacity building with other county arts leaders in the region.


Provide arts professional learning curriculum, assessment, programmatic support and/or technical assistance to schools, districts, and county offices of education aligned to the California Arts Standards and increase awareness of the Arts Education Framework and the Resources for Implementation Website.

Increase student access to arts learning throughout California through advocacy, partnership building, and collaborations. Support arts learning through visibility efforts such as student internships, showcases, and exhibits; provide information and research on the benefits of arts learning; engage in strategic planning, data analysis; and building arts networks with partner organizations and other county offices of education.

Arts Lead for Region IV

Region Lead map of California

Through a system of 11 service regions, The California County Superintendents provides the organizational mechanism for the 58 County Superintendents of Schools to design and implement statewide programs to identify and promote quality, cost-effective, educational practices and services, and provide support to school districts. This infrastructure continues to be a viable mechanism to build capacity in the state for arts education and to build support for implementing a full curriculum that includes the visual and performing arts.

California County Superintendents   Regional Arts Leads serve on the Arts Subcommittee for the Curriculum and Instruction Steering Committee (CISC). Through the regional infrastructure established by California County Superintendents ’s Board of Directors, it is expected that Regional Arts Leads assist county offices and school districts in delivering standards-based arts education to Pre-K through 12 students. 

Contact Us

Bernie PhelanBernie Phelan, M.Ed. 
Program Manager, Arts Learning
(510) 670-4214