School District Complaints & Appeals
By statute, the Alameda County Office of Education does not handle school district complaints and appeals. If you would like to file a complaint, please contact your school district and follow their UCP complaint procedures. If you need further assistance regarding a school district complaint, please see the links below from CDE:
If you would like to submit your complaint in person, or would prefer a printed form, paper copies are available at the Alameda County Office of Education located at 313 W Winton Avenue, Hayward, 94544.
Alameda County Office of Education (ACOE) Complaints
The Alameda County Office of Education has established local complaint policies that describe the procedures that must be followed to resolve complaints related to ACOE Student Programs & Services (SPaS). More resources and information about complaint procedures can be found below.
Uniform Complaint Procedures Notices and Forms
SPaS Williams Complaint: Notice to Parents, Guardians, Pupils and Teachers