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2025 Legislative Platform

Policy Committee & Legislative Platform

ACOE develops its annual legislative platform through a collaborative by its ACOE Policy Committee.  The ACOE Policy Committee is an advisory group of ACOE department leaders who hold diverse subject matter expertise on education issues impacting ACOE stakeholders.  The ACOE Policy Committee supports the development of ACOE’s annual legislative platform – and provides recommendations on ACOE policy positions – by evaluating several factors including issues’ salience, impact, and relevance to ACOE’s mission.

The ACOE Policy Committee, with input from the ACOE Cabinet, identified four focus areas for ACOE’s 2025 Legislative Platform.  These focus areas will serve as the foundation for ACOE’s legislative advocacy:

Enhance Learning Supports:

Ensure that instruction, programs, and student services provide an equitable, appropriate education to all young people in California.

Increase Child, Youth, Educator, and Staff Wellness:

Recognize the important role schools play, in partnership with families and communities, in ensuring wellness. Climate change and unsafe educational environments pose a threat to children’s and educators’ health and can hinder learning outcomes. These harms fall disproportionately on low-income families and communities of color.

Strengthen the Education Workforce:

Research shows that student outcomes improve when young people are taught by a diverse body of educators. However, attracting and retaining a high-quality diverse education workforce remains a challenge. Our priority is to focus on removing barriers to equitable access to the education profession.

Improve Fiscal Health and Governance:

California has demonstrated a renewed commitment to TK-12 education with recent record-high levels of spending. However, fiscal challenges remain, including declining enrollment, rising costs, and the loss of one-time federal funding. Our schools need adequate funding to provide a robust and rigorous educational experience for young people, while also supporting our education workforce.

ACOE’s detailed 2025 Legislative Platform is available here.


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Lucy Salcido CarterLucy Salcido Carter, MA, JD
Director of Policy and Governance
(510) 670-4168
No Photo Available

David Li, JD
Public Policy Fellow
(510) 670-4257

Maclean Rozansky

Maclean Rozansky, M. Ed.
Public Policy Fellow
(510) 670-4142