We recognize that parents/guardians are children's first and most influential teachers and that continued parental involvement in the education of children contributes greatly to student achievement.
All parents/guardians have a right to be involved in their children's education. State and federal laws outline the rights of students and parents/guardians. To understand these rights, please download the PDF document below.
Teachers, parents, and guardians can better understand student needs when they work together. Our administrators and teachers communicate frequently with the home to help parents and guardians develop skills that support classroom learning.
We encourage you to be active in your student's life by knowing your student's schedule, communicating with his/her teachers, and attending and participating in parent-centered committees and meetings.
The Parent Advisory Committee is made up of the parents and students who participate in the Court and Community Schools Site Councils. The District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) is made up of parents of English Learners focused on improving support and outcomes for English Learner (EL) students. Their purpose is to help to develop and give feedback on the Student Programs and Services Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP).
Each year, the PAC and the DELAC will review the prior year’s LCAP, data from the previous year in areas identified for improvement, evaluate the progress of SPaS schools, and make suggestions for changes to the next year’s LCAP. Each spring, the new LCAP will be approved by the County Board of Education in June.
The SARC provides information for parents about schools, including school description, mission statement, demographics, school safety plan, school program and learning environment, facilities, test results, teacher and staff information, curriculum and instruction, and fiscal and expenditure data.
Our schools receive funding from many sources, one of which is known as "Title I", a grant from the federal government. All Title I funded schools and local educational agencies (LEAs) that do not make Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) are identified for Program Improvement under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA).
SPaS court and community schools must have a School Site Council to represent parents, students, community members, and school staff in the school governance process. The School Site Council exists to:
Effective January 1, 2024, AB 889 requires that local educational agencies notify parents and guardians about the dangers associated with using unprescribed synthetic drugs, such as fentanyl. According to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) website, deadly doses of fentanyl have been found in fake/counterfeit versions of Adderall, Xanax, and Oxycodone, among other medications.