Title I funding is provided to help disadvantaged students meet state academic content and performance standards. The Federal government provides funding to youth in institutions and community day programs for neglected or delinquent youth for the purpose of improving educational services to children who are failing, or most at risk of failing, to meet challenging State academic standards.
Title I A: English Learner, Foster Youth, and Low Income
The Title I A program is a federally funded program authorized under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965 as reauthorized by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The State Educational Agency (SEA) shall award grants to geographically diverse local educational agencies to support services for English Learner, Foster Youth, and Low-Income students.
Title I D: Neglected and Delinquent Program
The Title I Neglected and Delinquent program provides federal assistance to youth in institutions and community day programs for neglected or delinquent youth for the purpose of improving educational services "so that such children and youth have the opportunity to meet the same challenging State content and student performance standards that all children in the State are expected to meet"
Staff who are funded from Title I are expected to provide one or more of the following services
Title I funding expenditures are available in the ACOE Local Control and Accountability Plan as well as the School Plans for Student Achievement for both Court and Community Schools found on the ACOE website. These plans are written to improve basic programs operated by our LEA
and by consulting with teachers, principals, pupil services personnel, administrators, other staff, and parents. The SPSA is approved annually by our School Site Council.
Goal 1: Compulsory Education - Technology Programs for core curriculum/ supplemental academic support, pre/post assessment in reading & math, English learner digital/support programs, English learner coaching and assessment coordination, extended year academic offerings, Library Services & Golf Program, Special Education Assessment, foster youth student service coordination and transition service supports, Title I program coordination, teacher credentials
Goal 2: Socio-Emotional Supports/Services - Foster Youth Transportation Costs, Childcare, SEL LEA Wide Professional Development, Nurse
Goal 3: College & Career- Professional Development, A-G & CTE Digital Curriculum, ERWC Stipends, CTE Credentials, A-G Academic Support, Supplemental Materials/Digital Programs, Technology Infrastructure, Partnerships: College & Career (CCI), and Foster Youth College and Career Readiness support & services
Title I funding is reviewed every two years by the California Department of Education (CDE) through the Federal Program Monitoring (FPM) to ensure all Title I expenditures align to meet minimum fiscal and programmatic requirements.