Student Programs has a variety of instructional resources to enable students to become articulate speakers, responsive listeners, skillful readers and writers, and resourceful problem solvers.
Our goal is to support high-quality instruction that prepares and supports students to excel as 21st-century learners, inclusive of technology resources aligned to Common Core State Standards. We strive to support students to be prepared for success in college, career, and community.
The Character-Based Literacy (CBL) Program helps students build their literary skills through exposure to literature and access to real books, and is available at all ACOE court, community, and alternative schools. This program provides standards-based English/Language Arts instruction while emphasizing socially appropriate values and behaviors. The program is led by Steve Johnson, Director of Character Education, through the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University.
Edgenuity is a comprehensive online curriculum available in core content areas (English Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Science/History) for court, community, and alternative schools. It provides the foundation for instruction and is intended to ensure that all students master the California Common Core State Standards. Odesseyware addresses the needs of students working at or near grade level as well as those who need to work towards credit recovery. It includes universal access features to support English learners as well as personalized educational acceleration pathway options as described in the Common Core Standards Framework.
Expository Reading and Writing Curriculum (ERWC)
Developed by the California State University, the Expository Reading and Writing Course (ERWC) is designed to prepare students for success in postsecondary reading, writing, and thinking. Students in the course are taught to read, analyze, and write expository and persuasive texts in a systematic and structured process that includes critical reading, rhetorical analysis, and frequent writing tasks. Lessons are designed using a standard assignment template that is both comprehensive and flexible, deploying effective pedagogy informed by current research.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (Mathematics)
Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 (AGA) were developed to help address Common Core State Standards and turn students into problem solvers who master concepts, become fluent with procedures, and apply the principles they’ve learned to real-world situations. While presenting algebra and geometry in a traditional three-course path, HMH AGA delivers this content with a truly innovative, adaptive approach, offering the rigor, depth of coverage, and guidance needed to prepare students for success on high-stakes assessments, in college, and in their careers.