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Student Eligibility & Enrollment

Student Eligibility & Enrollment

Students served by ACOE’s Schools


Expelled Youth

ACOE serves students grades 7-12 who are under expulsion order from their home district. Typically, students who regularly attend a county school, get good grades, and complete the terms of their rehabilitation plan are eligible to re-enroll in their home district.

Students on formal probation

Any student under the supervision of the probation department, after having violated a law defined as a crime (602 WIC wards of the Court), may come to an ACOE school. Typically these students come to community school after spending time in court school, though they can be referred by probation without having been incarcerated. These students also have the right to return to school in their home district.

Students under the supervision of child welfare

Youth who are in a group home or other foster care, youth identified as qualifying under McKinney-Vento, and youth under the guardianship of child welfare are automatically eligible to be served in county schools. These students may be served by district schools if they prefer, but are automatically eligible to enroll in county schools if requested by their educational rights holder.

Teen Parents

If a student is pregnant or parenting, and the home district is not able to provide a parenting program, the student may attend a county school. ACOE runs schools for teen parents at two separate sites in Oakland and Hayward. Each location includes on-site child care so teens can continue their education.

Homeless Youth

All homeless youth can enroll in county schools. Homeless youth are individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, including those:

  • sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason (doubled up);
  • living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, camping grounds, or emergency or transitional shelters;
  • living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations, or similar settings.

ACOE can help homeless youth enroll in our schools or stay enrolled in their home schools. We can also often help with transportation vouchers and school supplies.

Foster Youth

All foster youth, whether in a group home or other foster care, attend county schools. These students may be served by district schools if they prefer, but are automatically eligible to enroll in county schools if requested by their educational rights holder. ACOE also offers special help to foster youth throughout Alameda County. Learn more about tutoring, mentoring, and enrollment assistance for foster youth.

Students on Informal Probation for Attendance or Behavior Problems

As part of ACOE’s partnership with Alameda County Probation, ACOE can recommend that a youth be assigned informal probation under WIC Code 601. This is limited to students who, by school attendance or circumstances of life, have exhausted the resources of their home districts or cannot be effectively served by them. These students generally fall into two categories:

  • Habitually truant – students who are habitually truant are referred to their district’s School Attendance Review Team and School Attendance Review Board process. Once the district has exhausted its options for addressing the truancy, the student can be referred to a county community school. The district must attach documentation of their truancy interventions.
  • Chronically disobedient - A minor who is chronically disobedient, and who persistently or habitually refuses to obey the reasonable and proper orders or direction of his/her parent, guardian, or school authorities, may be referred for 601 status. It is imperative that the district provide documentation that interventions have been attempted, and that the student has refused to obey and conform.

Infants and Preschoolers with Special Needs

ACOE programs may enroll infants and toddlers, birth to 3 years of age, with one of the following:

  • Developmental delay in one or more of the following areas: physical, cognitive, language, adaptive, and/or social-emotional
  • Visual, hearing, or severe orthopedic impairment, or any combination thereof
  • A diagnosed physical or mental condition that has a high probability of resulting in developmental delay

Learn more about the Infant and Family Support Program.

ACOE Schools: Student Eligibility

School districts have primary responsibility for serving the students in their communities. ACOE supports students who can’t be served by a district or who need special programs not offered in their district, including:

  • expelled youth,
  • students on formal probation,
  • students under the supervision of child welfare,
  • teen parents,
  • foster youth,
  • students on informal probation for attendance or behavior problems, and
  • infants and pre-schoolers with special needs.

ACOE Schools: Student Enrollment

Students are referred to ACOE schools through their school district of residence, child welfare agency or the probation department. Enrollment is for one semester to a calendar year and may be extended.

► County Community Schools Enrollment Criteria

► Download the County Community School Referral Form

► Download the Annual Notice of Parents Rights (English)

► Notificación Anual Para Padres (Español)