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Board Committees

Board Committees

Program and Agency Budget

The Program and Agency Budget Committee is responsible for reviewing ACOE's annual budget reports, along with providing information and guidance to the Board during the process of budget adoption.

Cheryl Cook-Kallio
Vice Chair Ken Berrick
Member(s) Janevette Cole
ACOE Staff


Leigh Ann Blessing

Monica Vaughan

Patrick Yu


Policy and Legislation

The Policy and Legislation Committee reviews and recommends Board policies and positions on legislation pertinent to education.

Joaquin Rivera
Vice Chair Cheryl Cook-Kallio  
Member(s) Janevette Cole  
ACOE Staff

Lucy Salcido Carter

Mary Ellen Pierce

Sanjana Krishnan

Facilities Committee

The Facilities committee provides research, guidance and recommendations to assure safe and appropriate facilities for every student and employee of ACOE, along with ensuring compliance to local, state and federal guidelines.

Eileen McDonald
Vice Chair Aisha Knowles
Member(s) Joaquin Rivera
ACOE Staff

Leigh Ann Blessing

Monica Vaughan

Alicia Masri

Ad Hoc Attorney Search Committee

The Ad Hoc Attorney Search Committee will identify legal counsel options for the Board.

Ken Berrick
Vice Chair Janevette Cole
Member(s) Aisha Knowles
ACOE Staff

Lucy Salcido Carter


Interagency Representatives

Work collaboratively with agencies across the county, such as Alameda County Board of Supervisors, Alameda County Behavioral Health Services, Alameda County Probation, and others. 

Ken Berrick

Chairperson Aisha Knowles


ACOE Staff: Alysse Castro


Statewide Associations Advisors

Report on upcoming and recent actions, issues, and activities of statewide and county education associations.

Joaquin Rivera

Angela Normand

Janevette Cole

ACOE Staff: Alysse Castro  


Liaison for ACOE Charter Schools

Update the Board on activities, events, needs, and challenges of ACOE-approved charter schools, including allowing board members to be informed and visit school sites.

Chairperson Angela Normand


ACOE Staff: Juwen Lam